Monday, July 30, 2012

Technology, To Do Lists, and Time

So I thought I was ready to start merging some of the completed pages of the first segment of Project Alpha. Unlike ParaEducate, I had to manage multiple files in multiple programs. It turns out that my belief in managing multiple file types is false. Some of these programs don't appear to play nicely. Which is very infuriating. I just tried yesterday to merge two files through linking and I just watched one program basically violently projectile vomiting. I love computers. Just not these two programs right now. There is a Plan B. Which means things will take a little longer.
On the bright side, I got smart and started going through and making a list of images I needed to pull off the illustrations. While doing so, I discovered that I hadn't finished a few of the chapters. And then I hadn't started chapters I thought were completed. So guess what I'll be doing for the next two days?

To Do Lists
Which  leads right into the problem at hand. To Do.

So much to do and so little time. I now have to convert all the data I have in one system into a second system. And still illustrate. And then finish the remaining chapters. I do have a chapter list which I'm tinkering with for volume 2.

I just realized I hadn't started the work on the United States History for my own use to pilot the work for Project Alpha Volume 3. But I do have a good idea how I want to lay this material out.

And yes, while my focus has been Volume 2, I have to pretend to actually start Volume 1 because that's how big this project really is.

But that's just related to Project Alpha. I'm staring at the To Do List that gathered mass this morning like nuclear fission. How do lists do this? I have five projects in the fire and only one me. I don't like this part of my creativity. I really don't. But so far, I managed to take out three of the most important ones since I came back from the post office two hours ago.

Oh, mortal enemy. You cannot possibly mean to keep sliding away from me. I'm two weeks away from returning to my 10 month/year job. I'm designing a set with one hand as we speak and flipping through a history book to find things for Project Alpha and trying to figure out if I took enough information for the bibliography. And all that eating and sleeping that is necessary before my brain implodes.

I'm sending up the white flag. Project Alpha is going to need another year before release.

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